How good are you at uncoupling behavior from emotion?

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How good are you at uncoupling behavior from emotion?

I get easily frustrated if things don’t go my way.

I find it difficult to concentrate is things are ‘hanging over me’.

I find it hard to give people bad news or tell them the hard truth.

I often don’t get what I really want because I don’t like upsetting or inconveniencing others.

Even if every second counted towards a tight deadline I would find it difficult to resist opening a crucial email.

I often later regret decisions that I’ve made or things I’ve done in the heat of the moment.

I find it difficult to watch my team if they’re involved in a critical shoot-out or decider.

I am not good in an emergency because I find it hard to keep a clear head.

I don’t like taking risks, however well justified.

If I were facing the final question on Who Wants to be a Millionaire I would not be able to think clearly.

I would have trouble giving a young child an insulin injection in an emergency.

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