The breathtaking Fingerless Gloves goes on sale

FINGERLESS GLOVES, the prize-winning novel from New Yorker Nick Orsini, went on sale to e-book readers around the world today. The story, which won the prestigious Fiction Fast-Track new writing competition earlier this year, charts the most difficult night in 25-year-old Anton Duchamp’s life. When his best friend James Squire is mysteriously rushed to hospital, Anton begins a night-long journey that takes him from shady, marijuana-smoke-filled... Read More

Third Sue Margolis classic comes to Apostrophe

SUE MARGOLIS‘S hilarious novel Neurotica is now available to Kindle, iPad and Kobo readers. It is the third chick-lit classic to go digital with Apostrophe Books. Hailed by People as “Bridget Jones’s Diary for the matrimonial set”, it tells the story of Anna Shapiro, a sex-starved journalist on a mission to find some fun after the ordeal of hypochondriac husband Dan. So she spends the next few weeks committing adultery for... Read More